COVID NEWS on QR Pass Yangon

Yangon Officials have imposed a travel restriction on travel within Yangon between townships (suburbs). Anyone traveling without a pass will be asked to stop and return back home.

Companies and employees that are essential businesses will be allowed to travel within Yangon townships starting from 25 September 2020. Notice was from the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chamber of Commerce Industry.

Essential Business are need to apply QR Pass Yangon

  1. Banks & Financial Services
  2. Petrol Stations
  3. Food & Cold Storage
  4. Pharmaceutical & medical
  5. Drinking water distribution
  6. Factories producing daily hygiene products
  7. Airlines relief, Cargo, Chartered flights
  8. Aviation services
  9. Ground Services
  10. Aviation Fuel providers
  11. Air transport
  12. Freight forwarders
  13. Customs service agencies
  14. In-flight catering services
  15. Aircraft maintenance
  16. Port Operators
  17. Office of Shipping lines
  18. Freight & Port
  19. Customer services agencies for port
  20. Container transport services
  21. Transport of export/ import goods
  22. inland container deport
  23. Dry ports
  24. Post offices
  25. Landline and phone communications services
  26. Internet services (not inc selling phones and internet data)
  27. Services for communication towers and fiber network

Business that have been exempted from stay-home order would need to apply for QR Pass Yangon can do so via online registration at You can also call 09-694820244 or 09-402790744 during office hours.

who need to travel within Yangon for important matters must also have letters from respective township administrators.

The checks are mainly on the destination of the vehicles when they pass from one township to another to make sure there is no travelling without reason.