What are the rules and regulations when driving?

Myanmar has its unique road and traffic policies for anyone who is driving. International road and traffic rules don to apply.

Only a local driving license is recognised by regulators.

Local Myanmar Driving licence
Local Driving licence

International licence is not recognised for use on Myanmar roads when driving in. Foreigner would need to apply for a conversion to local Myanmar licence. To convert your international driving licence to a local Myanmar driving licence, you would need to apply to the relevant authorities in Myanmar. Only after being issued the Myanmar driving licence, you are then allowed to drive on Myanmar Roads.

Roads are right hand side and car are left hand driven.

Driving on Roads (Brief heading)

Driving on Myanmar Roads are tricky, as roads were designed and build for cars that are right hand driven. T-Junctions, side roads, give ways are all angled differently. Lanes markings were changed for cars that are right hand drive to left and drive. This usually causes confusion and disorientation to many drivers that has never driven on Myanmar roads before. Driving in Myanmar is not a walk in the park.

Driving on Roads (Traffic Junctions)

Traffic Lights junctions. You can wait up to 5 minutes long at certain traffic light junctions. The locals have the idea that by clearing the entire jam on a one direction, the other direction will not be jammed up. Therefore, the jam becomes even longer. Studies have showed that the most effective time taken for a vehicle at rest to clear the junction would only stretch far back as 30 seconds. Because vehicles would need bigger space between them when traffic speeds builds up. Thus it would be more efficient for the traffic lights to turn red only after 30 seconds.

Driving on Roads (Keeping to the wrong lane)

Bicycles, walking pedestrian, Trishaw, Carts, and even slower vehicles love to stay on the wrong side which is the overtaking lane of the roads. Most slower vehicles would keep to the slower lane of the road which is nearer to the curb side. On left hand driven cars, it would be the right side of the road. So watch your front as you just won’t know who will walk into the path of you.

Driving on Roads (Beetle Nut)

Spitting is quite a normal thing around the world. However, Myanmar people love to chew beetle-nut (which is like chewing tobacco), causes their mouth and saliva to turn blood red. While chewing beetle nut, you do not swallow the saliva, you would need to spit it out. Hence, you get many passenger, driver from taxi, lorries, buses, would stick their head out and just spit without knowing if there is a car next to them.

Driving on Roads (Road Surface)

Road surface on normal well made roads would be smooth and even. However, in a 3rd world country, the local authorities do not have enough to build proper roads, and this give rise to roads with many potholes and unevenness. This causes great danger to car travelling on these roads. Without proper contact on the road, your car will not have enough time and distance to stop immediately in an emergency. Unevenness can cause your car to jump off the lane and to oncoming traffic. Most accidents in Myanmar are usually caused by road surfaces.

Driving (Ownership of Vehicle)

Many cars are not register to the real owner of the vehicle. Due to the authorities greed to collect more income, the transfer of ownership of vehicles is the highest in the world. With many of Myanmar citizens who cant afford a proper meal, will not be able to afford the transfer fees set but the authorities. Hence, many only hold the vehicle log card only. In any accident, they can walk away and the authorities will not be able to trace the last owner of the vehicle.

Driving (International Road rules)

International road rules and regulations do not apply to Myanmar road users. Many flout these rules without knowing the dangers that bring to other road users. U-Turns, give ways, right of way, keeping to lane are just some of the rules not followed by drivers in Myanmar. Reason being their theory lessons are not up dated and missing out on safety.

Convert To Local LicenceBy LawInternational Licence
International Driving LicenceNot RecognisedRecognised
Rules and regulationsIgnorant / Not TaughtFollow / Taught
Bad driving habitsdeliberate regular bassisBy accident
Other Road UsersNo Safety Safety first
Road ConditionPotholes / UndulatingWell made & Maintained