Myanmar Government announces health measures for Visitors to Myanmar
Due to COVID-19, Myanmar Government has restarted many organisations, including government office, schools, and more. We are publishing urgent announcements that will affect our customers aspects and everyday life.
This includes the closure of office, banks and rescheduling of events. Below are some special announcements from the Myanmar Government:
- Airport is still closed
- Public transportation like buses are in operations but must practice social distancing.
- School are still closed at the moment till further announcement 15th June.
- Quarantine of up to 21 Days for people returning back from other countries.
- Travel restrictions have been lifted within Myanmar
- All events have been cancelled and postponed.
- Disease spread statistics and maps
The Myanmar Government has done very well to curb the spread of Covid-19.
To know more about the spread of Covid-19 in Myanmar, you can visit the Myanmar government page. From the Ministry of Health & Sports.
Quarantine of up to 21 Days
Foreigners will have to fulfil a 21-day quarantine – including a one week home quarantine before flying. One week in a facility quarantine after arriving in Myanmar and finally one more week of home quarantine in Myanmar, before being cleared to work in the country.
Foreign nationals travelling to Myanmar will need to show a certificate stating they are free from COVID-19 and have completed a week-long home quarantine in their country before flying. They will also be required to complete another week of facility quarantine upon arrival in Myanmar. They will only be allowed to work after completing another week-long home quarantine after nasal swab sample returns a PCR-negative.
Those who are flying in to work on projects, business matters will need to furnish laboratory evidence from their country showing that they are free of the COVID-19 infection. They will also need to provide evidence stating that they have completed one week of home quarantine before boarding the plane.
Myanmar COVID-19 Economic Relief Plan
The COVID-19 Economic Relief Plan, announced by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s government in late April, outlined a range of fiscal, monetary and tax measures to support business. But most are not aware of those policies. The most well-known measure was the emergency loans, although 67pc were still unaware of it, while the least well-known policy was on income tax on exports, which was unknown to 92pc.
Further Extension of Temporary Measures at Yangon International Airport [Up to 15 June 2020]
Yangon, Myanmar, 29 May 2020 – Yangon International Airport ; According to the notice from the Department of Civil Aviation issued on 14 May 2020, the earlier restrictions for all airlines operating international air services to and from Yangon International Airport has been extended up to 31 May 2020 2359 Hours MST.
In order to continue to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Myanmar effectively, the National Central Committee for Prevention, Control, and Treatment of COVID-19 has decided to further extend the suspension of international air services up to 15 June 2020 2359 Hours MST by the notification issued on 29 May 2020.