Find a Car Rental Company

car rentalhire car, or car hire agency is a company that rents automobiles for a periods of time, ranging from a few hours to few weeks to long term in years.

For a countries finding the right Car Rental Company is not an easy fit. Most renters look only at the price they are paying a month. This can include a wide range of exclusions. If you are renting by for 3 months, you would need to pay 3 months upfront. They will quote low on monthly usage without maintenance, without insurance and without out of Yangon city usage. Adding all in will end up with frustration and less in your pocket.

Services Car Rental CompanyOrica Car Rental Company
Monthly InvoiceNoYes
Maintenance Cost IncludedNoYes
Comprehensive InsuranceNoYes
Drive Out of City limitsNo | Only CityYes
Left Hand DriveNo | MaybeYes
24hr Road AssistNoYes
Replacement CarNoYes
Avg Age Of Cars10 – 20 yr old vehiclesNew – 7 yr old
English Speaking DriverNoYes
Car Rental Company Comparison table

From the Car Rental Company comparison table above, you can actually tell that renting from Orica Car Rental Company would be the most value for money per month car rental company in Yangon. The best way to get the car you need at a price you can afford is to budget yourself in advance. This gives you more time to compare different car rental companies, to read and understand the conditions of hire and consider the cost and value of any additional charges. Without any doubt, many choose Orica Car Rental Company.