Midsize SUV Mazda CX-5 / Hyundai Santa Fe Car Rental Yangon

All vehicles at Orica Car Rental are left hand drive

midsize SUV car rental
midsize SUV car rental

midsize SUV car rental Hyunda Tucson

Vehicle Features of midsize SUV Car Rental

  • 4 Passengers (3 Rear)
  • 3 Bags (2 small & 2 large) 
  • Ground Clearance High
  • 4 Cylinder Engine – Economical
  • Interior comfortable Leather
  • Fully Tinted Windows

Midsize SUV Rental Options From Orica Car Rental Yangon

Are you considering renting a midsize SUV car when you are in Yangon, Myanmar? You’re in the right place as we’ve got the correct vehicle for your needs in Yangon. Starting here, this page contains all the information you would need to knowing and renting a Compact SUV car when in Yangon.

At Orica Car Rental, we offer our customers the most suited vehicle in its class to suit the roads in Yangon. Compact SUV car you rent in Yangon will be the most suited choice for your usage while you are in Yangon city.

This vehicle group may include the following models.

Compact SUV Mazda CX-5 Car Rental Yangon

The design of a compact SUV car is characterised high road clearance with the ride comfort of a road car. The interior of the Mazda CX5 is built towards the toughness and sporty feel. This gives form to be voted the car of the year in Europe for many years. Designed in Europe with the durability of Japanese engineering.

Vehicle make, model, trim, features and color are not guaranteed and are subject to availability. Orica reserve the right to change at anytime subject to availability. Vehicle features are subject to change based on the vehicle year of manufacture.

Compact SUV Hyundai Tuscan Car Rental Yangon

Hyundai Tuscan Korean made compact SUV, with designs from Europe, its also voted as the best car in UK. A Compact SUV for the bad Myanmar Roads quality, it will bring comfort to your driving day in day out of Yangon roads. Interior is well designed and comes with comfortable leather to help with making it feel more luxurious.

Compact SUV Car Rental Yangon Benefits

A midsize SUV has comforts of a luxury vehicle but size of a small salon. They are build for outback roads or B roads. Midsize SUVs are not full size SUV cars which also means having the benefits of a full size SUV but smaller. With slightly less significant boot space coupled with comfortable leather passenger seats it would be most suited for Myanmar small and tight roads in Yangon City. The height ride would be most suitable for floods and bumpy roads.

  • Leather Interior
  • Perfect for bumpy road, Flooded areas
  • Fuel-Efficient
  • Great Boot Space

Make a Reservation for a Midsize SUV Car Rental Yangon Today

When it comes to a midsize SUV car rental in Yangon, Orica Car Rental offers customers the right type and choice of vehicle to use on Yangon roads. Yangon roads are bumpy and undulating that is not suitable for most regular size standard vehicles. Renting a midsize SUV with Orica Car Rental will keep you comfortable and safe on Yangon roads. Enjoy the ride and let us do the rest by making a reservation today!  Simply fill out the form today.

How can I rent a Midsize SUV Car in Yangon?

At Orica Car Rental, its only 1 easy step to get your midsize SUV rented. All you need to do is to simply fill out the form with this link, reserve your car, and within 24hrs we can confirm your reservations and your booking. Just wait for our email confirmation to secure your vehicle. Rent your car in Yangon now in just a few minutes!