The destination but the journey that matters
life is all about the journey
The distance from Yangon to Mandalay is about 625.6 kilometres. Travelling from Yangon to Mandalay by car take about 7 hours 30 minutes. This includes rest and fuel stops with an average speed of 100 km/h. Many will take the option of flying to Mandalay due to cost, but once you reach Mandalay, you are no longer mobile and agile. So why choose to travel by car and rent a car in Yangon to Mandalay?
Travelling by car to distant city brings excitement and discovery along the path your destination. Having planned stops along your journey allows you to be closer, yet observe and immerse yourself to their culture. Understanding the local Burmese and their hospitality would bring joy to your holiday. What are the reasons for brining yourself to Myanmar for a holiday?
Myanmar is an underdeveloped country, yet alone a country that was closed off to the outside world. It was once a country that was under the British Rule with rich history and relics. Some say, it was the pearl of Asia back in those days. What did the British see in a country back then? Back in the 1850s, the British wanted access to the teak forests in and around Bago and also wanted to secure the gap in their coastline stretching from Calcutta (Kolkata) to Singapore; it resulted in the British annexation of Bago province, which they renamed Lower Burma. As the British became increasingly interested in the legendary trade with China through its back door—as well as in the teak, oil, and rubies of northern Myanmar—they waited for a suitable pretext to attack. In 1885 Britain finally took over Myanmar, gave rise to a country that was rich in natural resources and had a great deal of trade balance to the rest of South East Asia.
This rich history can be seen through the road less traveled from Yangon to Mandalay by car. Look no further and rent your vehicle from Orica Car Rental.